quiz out of boredom

It’s quiztime, baby ~ as made by Cat

1. What would you do if you got lost in the woods? I’d probably find a nice tree and sit there, watching the creatures slowly gathering around me and then.. then.. try my cellphone. But there wouldn’t be a signal so they’d probably eat me. Or make me marry their weird king or something…

2. …With a very attractive person? Let him/her get married to the king instead and then run like hell!

3. Would you date someone with a prosthetic leg? I don’t see the problem in that. Is it shiny?

4. The eternal battle; chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate. Om nom nom!

5. Name a fetish you have. Oh wait, that’s not a question. Name a fetish you have, please? Err.. not.. really. I don’t have one? I think. Wait, let me think again. NO.

6. Late at night when you’re awake and all alone, and the stars are shining brightly above you, do you feel sad? Yes ._. Sad and nostalgic. I want to go home.

7. What if there was a full moon, too? SCARY! Zombies, coming for me. NOOOOoo.. honestly.

8. Do you need the company of a stuffed animal to sleep properly? Not really. But it’s nice having them in the bed ^___^ ALTHOUGH , I do need my pillow...

9. Do you sleep in a foetus position? Sometimes.. but not always. Hahah.

10. Are you pathetic? Because if you’ve answered yes to the last four questions, I’d say you are. There were no such questions silly. Your mom is pathetic!

11. Are we seriously all going to die because of global warming? Nope. We’ll all die by my hand in the eternal battle!

12. Have you ever wanted to bash someone’s head in with a brick or a baseball bat? Many times, oooooh yeeees… actually, I can think of several people right now.

13. If yes, who and why? If no, you’re probably lying? The guys who stole my moped. I’d bash ‘em goooood.

14. Are you keeping any secrets from me? Yes :D

15. If yes, why? Don’t you trust me? Don’t you love me anymore? I trust you but I’m afraid I don’t have any feelings for you anymore (that hurts to hear ._.)

16. What is your favourite videogame of all time? Final Fantasy IX <3 Woow.. I could chose one.

17. What is the most attractive feature with the gender(s) you’re attracted to? ER! I’d say… their hair and eyes.

18. Why on earth would you find THAT attractive? ‘Cause your mom likes it now shut it.

19. Are you suggesting coconuts migrate? ME? No no, ask that suspicious looking man over there!

20. Were you expecting crazier questions from me? To be honest, yes, I did. Bad child! *slaps*

21. Am I letting you down? MUCH! *slaps again*

22. How old would you say you are – mentally? 8.

23. Do you have faith in The Flying Spaghetti Monster? No-*gets hit by The Flying Spaghetti Monster* SO! You’re back! Take THAT *hits* and THIS *slaps*

24. Have you ever hugged me? Yes, not that many times though and that’s it.

25. Why/ why not? Saying goodbye and that time you cried in the first year of school Ô__Ô

26. How do you know me, anyway? Classbuddy~ Awesome.

27. What do YOU think is the meaning of life? … you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.

28. If you could own your very own circus, what would it feature? Kittens, cupcakes and Teacup in a cage doing weird gestures and YOU singing opera :D

29. Would you be contributing to the entertainment? If yes, how? OF COURSE! I’M THE STAR OF THE SHOW! I’D SHOW OFF MY GREAT BAKING SKILLZZZZ

30. What are you better than me at? Baking? Playing the bass? Uhm… I …_. Fail..

31. What makes you think you’re so great at it? I actually DO those things?

32. What would your last words be? That depends on the death situation!

33. Do you like tacos? Om nom nom. TASTE MY TACO FLAVOURED KISSSSES.

Postat av: Bea

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2008-06-20 @ 17:47:57
URL: http://takai.blogg.se/

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